Buyer FAQ

How will I know the products are genuine and not fake?

We only List the products only after verifying the seller. We have no tolerance policy against the sellers if they list any products which is in bad condition or which is unauthorized.

Is it necessary to have an account to shop on Sehaasouq?

You need to have an account to shop on By creating your own sehaasouq account, you can enjoy a personalized shopping experience, including recommendations, quicker checkout and a public wishlist.

How do I pay for a Sehaasouq purchase?

Sehaasouq offers you multiple payment methods. You may use card payment option or Cash on Delivery option to make your purchase. Whatever your online mode of payment, you can rest assured that Sehaasouq’s trusted payment gateway partners use secure encryption technology to keep your transaction details confidential at all times.

How do I know my order has been confirmed?

Once your order has been logged and payment authorization has been received, the seller confirms receipt of the order and begins processing it.

You will receive an email containing the details of your order. In this mail you will be provided with a unique Order ID, a listing of the item(s) you have ordered and the expected delivery time.

You will also be notified when the seller ships the item(s) to you.

What is the standard Delivery time of the products?

As our standard practice most of the shipments will be delivered between 1 to 2 working days from the purchase date; However few products might take upto 3 to 5 days to get delivered to you due to the nature of the product.

For any information contact our support team [email protected]  with order ID for further help.

What is Sehaasouq's Friendly Returns policy?

At Sehaasouq, we understand how much you value your every purchase. And we are committed to making your shopping experience with us as delightful as possible.

Therefore, in the rare event that you are not fully satisfied with what you ordered, just return it to us. We will ensure you get a resolution as quickly as possible. Our Returns policy may vary slightly depending on the product and seller.

In case the product you received is 'Damaged', 'Defective' or 'Not as Described', our Friendly Returns policy has got you covered.

Possible resolution could be Replacement, Exchange or Refund in case we are unable to provide a Replacement/Exchange. All this is backed by the 3 Day Replacement/ Exchange/ Money Back from the date of delivery, in case you face any issues.

How will you Refund the amount if the product is returned?

If you cancel your order and want return of your fund, then the payment will be refunded to your payment card or your bank account if you have paid cash on delivery . The amount may take time to reflect in the account since the bank takes time. You will be deducted with only the shipping fees.

What is the warranty of the products sold on

Every product sold on sehaasouq has a mention on warranty on the listing page .

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